Ep. 45 Katie Ferrara - Singer, Songwriter, Entrepreneur

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This episode of Her Process is for all of you artists out there for whom your art is not your day job. Maybe you’re waiting tables, personal training, substitute teaching…let’s just say your “fallback” job has become your main source of income.

I’m welcoming back singer/songwriter Katie Ferrara. If you haven't heard Katie's episode where we talk a lot about busking and different types of performance, it's right here! 

Today’s focus is on how she’s made her music her full time gig. And the info, stories, and advice she shares in this episode could easily be utilized by illustrators, actors, writers, dancers…you name it. It’s for anyone who’s ready to take that leap.

If that’s you, and you need that kick in the pants to get things moving, keep listening! Here is my chat with Katie Ferrara.



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Stories From the Street - Katie's book

The Lost Night Open Mic (in Echo Park)

Forbes Magazine: In The 21st Century, To Be A Musician Is To Be An Entrepreneur


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