Ep. 4: Kay Bess - Voice Actor

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In this episode of Her Process I'm chatting with voice actor, Kay Bess. Kay has been in the voice over business since the 1990's, and when you listen to this episode you'll hear not just a beautiful voice, you'll also hear the grace, wisdom, and heart behind that voice which has kept Kay working in a profession she loves for over two decades.

Some fascinating facts about Kay:  She studied philosophy at UCLA. As child, she stuttered very badly. Kay is a Star Trek freak, and she loves to cook.  She's on a mission to find great hiking trails in the San Gabriel and surrounding hills. And, Kay was accepted into seminary at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena. She opted to continue voice acting.

During our time together we discuss how Kay feels about the fact that many areas of voice acting are still male dominated. We talk about what's behind the voices that book the work, different genres of voice acting, the "up-speak" and "vocal fry" trends, and about a very personal post she wrote on her blog and how, in putting the truth out there we're able to help one another not feel so alone.

I came away from my chat with Kay with a renewed desire to take advantage of what I can learn from every job booked, and not booked, and a new and improved attitude about how I work on set, and more importantly off. Basically, I feel that the zest I had for my art, that had gotten a bit stale, is back. I feel more connected to the artist I started out to be, and as Kay said during our talk, "I just want to be better. I want to fulfill my obligation to the piece."

I hope this episode inspires you, just as it has inspired me.

Show Notes:

Professional Website                    Personal Blog                    Facebook                    Twitter                    Instagram

Meisner technique                        Ruskin Theatre

Keri Tombazian

Sennheiser 416 microphone         Apogee Duet                    Twisted Wave Software                              Hightail

Margarita Mix

The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time

Under The Gum Tree

Amy Grant - "Baby Baby"               Jimmy Webb - "If These Walls Could Speak"

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